Staff Profile:

Teaching Staff :

Sr. No Name Designation Education Subject
1 Dr. R.P.Bhamare Principal M.A., M.Phil.,
2 Dr. S.B. Deore Asst. Professor/
Vice. Principal
NET, Ph.D.
3 Prof. S.L. Pawar Asst. Professor M.Com., SET Commerce
4 Prof. D. K. Chavan Asst. Professor M.A., SET Marathi
5 Prof. R. K. Bhoye Asst. Professor M.A. M.Phil., SET Economics
6 Prof. B. R. Khandvi Asst. Professor M.Sc. SET Geography
7 Dr. D. N. Kota Asst. Professor M.A. Ph.D. Political Science
8 Mr. A.M. Nirbahvane Asst. Professor M.Sc. Net Zoology
9 Mr. V. S. Sable Lecturer M.A. B.Ed. Geography
10 Mr. V. K. Shirsath Lecturer M. Com. Commerce
11 Mr. V. T. Jadhav Lecturer M.A. English
12 Mr. R. M. Pawar Lecturer M.A. Economics
13 Miss. H. D. Pawar Lecturer M.Sc. Chemistry
14 Miss. V. K. Borse Lecturer M.Sc. B.ed. Botany
15 Mr. P. K. Aher Lecturer M.Com. Commerce
16 Mr. S. G. Bagul Lecturer M.A. English
17 Miss. M. R. Bagul Lecturer M.A. History
18 Mrs. P.A.Surywanshik Lecturer M.Sc. Zoology
19 Miss. J.P. Gangurde Lecturer M.Sc. Math.
20 Miss. Medhane S.D. Lecturer M.Sc. Math.
21 Mr. T.R. Deore Lecturer M.Sc. Physics
22 Mr. Pagar M.K. Lecturer M.A. SET Marathi
23 Miss.P.N. Mahale Lecturer M.Sc. Botany
24 Miss. N.M.Chavan Lecturer M.Sc. Chemistry
25 Mr.A.J. Deore Librarian M. Lib. 

Non-Teaching Staff

Sr. No. Name Designation
1 Shri. K. G. Gangurde Jr. Clerk/
Estate Supervisor
2 Shri. R. D. Aher Jr. Clerk
3 Shri. N. G. Pawar Lab. Asst.
4 Miss. S. B. Raundal Lab. Attd.
5 Mr. D. S. Bhadane Jr. Clerk
6 Shri. K.T. Pawar Peon
7 Shri. N. M. Chavan Peon
8 Shri. P.S. Patil Peon
9 Shri. V. J. Deore Peon
10 Shri. D. A. Shinde Peon

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ABOUT Adiwasi Seva Samiti

ESTABLISHMENT: The institution is established on 1st June 1945 and registered under Society Registration Act 1860 with the registration number 1527. The registration number of the institution is F-26 under the Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950.
FOUNDER: Late Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray.
OBJECTIVE: To provide the educational facility to backward and tribal people of Maharashtra State for bringing in their educational and economical development to enhance their lifestyle. Read More...

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